guide to dbol

Guide to DBOL (Dianabol)


Building muscle is hard, right? Which is why dianabol, or Methandienone, is the most popular muscle building steroid in the world. It forces your body into a constant anabolic state. With the right guide to methandrostenolone you can build muscle faster than ever before and become the jacked superman you’ve always wanted to.


Dianabol is a synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) and is based of testosterone. It was first created to treat medical conditions, but researches quickly discovered its’ muscle building effects, so it instantly became popular amongst bodybuilders. Metandienone was developed in 1957 and marketed for sale in Germany and USA. It quickly became the first most popular muscle building steroid. Many successful athletes have admitted to using the drug before it was banned, this includes the bodybuilding icon, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Most users stack Dianabol with other steroids such as trenbolone and testosterone.


No, Metandienone, most commonly known as Dianabol is a controlled substance. In the United States, it’s a controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act.UK bans Methandienone and classifies it as a Class C drug as per the Drugs Misuse Act. In Australia and New Zealand, it’s also illegal but can be prescribed by a doctor. That happens in extremely rare cases though, and only to treat medical conditions. So, are Dianabol pills legal anywhere? I’m afraid not. In fact, many countries have heavy penalties if you’re caught using them.


“It makes your muscles grow like weed, and it’ll make you gorilla strong.” An actual Methandienone user from a steroid forum said this btw. But how does it do that? Well, it’s mostly 2 things that make Dianabol build muscle:

  1. Increases Amount of Testosterone In Your Body: It’s a derivative of testosterone, so it’s only natural that it increases the amount of testosterone in your body. Testosterone is the male hormone responsible for: muscle growth, strength gains, and sex drive, in case you didn’t know that
  2. Lets Muscles Retain More Nitrogen: It basically means that your body will finally be able to turn 100% of your protein into muscles. Our body normally only turns a tiny percentage of the protein we consume into muscles and strength. But Dianabol unlocks your true potential.


  1. Increases amount of free testosterone in your body (testosterone = muscle)
  2. Boosts protein synthesis (more protein being used to build muscle)
  3. Increases nitrogen retention (better pumps and faster recovery)
  4. Increases red blood cell production (quicker to adapt to hard training sessions)
  5. Stimulates fat loss
  6. Increases glycogenolysis (frees glucose for quick bursts of strength)
  7. Enhances metabolic activity (you can eat more foods and still get jacked without adding fat)
  8. Increases strength levels
  9. Reduces fatigue (you can train longer)
  10. Speeds recovery (you can train more often)


Most users on steroid forums say that you can feel these effects within the first week. Others suggest you need to wait at least 2 weeks. All agree that you need to show some patience.


Most steroid forums report that the most effective 4-week Dianabol cycle for beginners is a 30mg dose every day. They suggest you space it out throughout the day, and of course take it with a meal. Most users stack with other products. You can find the bulking stack further down this article, it includes legal Dianabol, tren, deca, and test alternatives.


Beginners have reported 30mg per day. More advanced users report they’ve used up to 80 mg per day. Please remember that Methandrostenolone is a steroid and comes with nasty side-effects if taken incorrectly. You’re much better of giving the legal alternatives a chance first, before making possible life-threatening decisions.


The price for Dianabol on the market is quite high. It’s very expensive and a single cycle could cost you up to $1,000 USD depending on where you are in the world. It’s most expensive in the USA and the UK but relatively cheap in countries such as India. As it’s an illegal drug the price can vary between individual sellers. Which is why most people are now opting to purchase from the legal steroid alternative manufacturers. As everything inside their bottles is disclosed and the price is up-front and fair. An 8-week legal Dianabol only cycle should only cost you about $120-150 USD. And a bulking stack should only cost you about $150-250 USD


This concludes my ultimate guide to Dianabol. Methandienone is an illegal oral steroid that is used for building muscle fast and increasing strength levels. Dianabol is a very toxic steroid and comes with nasty side-effects such as man-boobs, and like most oral steroids it damages your liver. A typical cycle is 4-6 weeks and is usually stacked with other steroids such as tren and deca. Most guys have started using the legal Dianabol alternatives instead. As they have been designed to mimic the muscle building effects of Dianabol, but without the side-effects.