This product is a box of 10 vials.
The Problem
Mainstream PCT usually involves brief HCG and/or HMG use followed by SERMs like Tamoxifen and Clomiphene (goal = restore endogenous testosterone and sperm production in the testes).
Sometimes, a user will find the effect of HCG/HMG to be insufficient for a timely HGPA restart, because the pituitary gland (which normally makes HCG/HMG, in the form of LH/FSH) has also been "asleep" for quite some time).
One could in theory stay on HCG/HMG indefinitely, but this is contrary to many people's goals when "coming off" (not to mention, quite a pain in the ass).
Why Triptorelin?
What if we could send a signal to actually wake the pituitary up? Normally, the hypothalamus produces GNrH, which does exactly this.
An extremely small and short-acting dose of Triptorelin will effectively replace this signal, signalling the pituitary to turn back on. If it's small enough, it won't shut down the hypothalamus or down-regulate the pituitary GNrH receptors.
Please read the DOSING & ADMINISTRATION TAB (above) for instructions on how to take this!
Did you know that one of Triptorelin's clinical uses is monthly chemical castration for sex offenders? Of course, the dose is much higher -- so high it basically burns out and desensitizes the system. Scientifically, the pituitary's GNrH receptors down-regulate in response to the excess Triptorelin, and thus become much less responsive to not only Triptorelin, but any GNrH your hypothalamus makes. This causes the pituitary to stop secreting most if not all LH/FSH, resulting in a total crash in sperm and testosterone production.
Triptorelin is commonly found in two different forms:
Triptorelin Acetate:
The Acetate salt has a shorter half-life in the body, and is commonly found in 2 and 5mg vials. We recommend and thus stock and sell this salt.
Triptorelin Pamoate:
The Pamoate salt has a longer half-life, and comes in 3.75mg vials. Less ideal for PCT.