Dosage & administration:
- Half life
- n/a
- Adult dose (Male)
- 1 – 4ml daily intramuscular injection
- Adult dose (Female)
- 0.25 – 1ml daily intramuscular injection
- Average Cycle Length
- Indefinite, ongoing and as required since most users will take POPEYE as a pre-workout shot before each training session until they achieve the lean body mass that they are aiming for.
Mechanism of action:
Since the glycol blend is denser and heavier than both oil and water, it takes several days for the compound to be metabolized out of the injected muscle area. By injecting Popeye through the deep facia sheath, past the Epimysium and into the fascicle sack, its contained within the target area and remains there for many days.
During this time it also holds the testosterone in the same area and allows it to act directly on the androgen receptors in that area, and in doing so provides a 48-hour growth factor from the testosterone (since the half-life of testosterone is 24 hours) giving you a lean body mass after doing your bloodwork.
By repeatedly injecting the area and alternating the specific injection sites you can physically grow the muscle in the specific place and shape you want. Popeye provides a real solution for ‘weak or lagging’ muscles and offers a great advancement in targeted training growth.
POPEYE offers a comparable result to Synthol (without the permanent damage to the muscle tissue and cell calcification). But delivers an actual growth in muscle tissue – the muscle growth effect is permanent. Synthol is not.
To use:
Simply inject POPEYE into the desired muscle using a 23, 27 gauge or 29 gauge needle backfilling the syringe to quickly fill it (if using a 27/29 gauge slin pin) 1 hour prior to working out and watch in amazement as the target muscle swells and hardens before your eyes.
Recommended injection depths are:
- 1.5 inch for glutes
- 1-1.5 inches for lats, hams, quads
- 0.5-1 inches for delts, traps, and lower/outer chest
- 0.25-0.5 inches for tri’s and bi’s, upper chest and calves
1ml to 3ml per muscle group, injected on the days that the muscles going to be worked. Naturally, if you’re a much bigger or smaller guy than average you want to adjust your pining depth to suit but aim for the belly of the muscle in the larger groups and multiple injections per muscle for best results. Where you inject is where it works so you can literally sculpt the muscle based on the injection pattern and depths.
From using one of our best testosterone booster, insane pumps and muscle enhancement will be evident during the workout that will definitely lead to a lean body mass. Typically the effect last for in excess of 7 days. So simply repeat the administration on a weekly basis to achieve the desired effect. Note that more frequent injections and more injections into the target muscle will greatly enhance the effect.